键盘侠|追梦KO老牌键盘侠KD 破大防——不过是,心有魔债

时间:2022-6-1 作者:菜鸟编辑

键盘侠|追梦KO老牌键盘侠KD 破大防——不过是,心有魔债


今天,勇士前锋格林今天参加了名嘴Colin Cowherd的广播节目,其中谈到了库里和杜兰特,他表示库里被包夹的次数是KD的7倍,后者表示不同意。




[–]Warriorsstaymelooo 1002 points 13 hours ago

This guy is ridiculous lmao. He literally liked a tweet saying Steph was trash and acts like a victim because Draymond went on Cowherds podcast and pointed out facts that even Ty Lue confirmed


[–]Grizzlies BandwagonPlaybookof3li 2653 points 8 hours ago

Tough matchup for Draymond. KD has home court advantage on Twitter. Rooting for the underdog tho


[–]Celticscaptaincumsock69 973 points 7 hours ago

KD is also playing 8vs1 on Twitter


键盘侠|追梦KO老牌键盘侠KD 破大防——不过是,心有魔债

[–]NBAnomadofwaves 1053 points 9 hours ago

“You’re a bitch we don’t need you.”



[–]NBAgroceriesN1trip 397 points 8 hours ago

“Watch, give me Wiggins and some rookies.”


[–]doinkdoink786 4272 points 12 hours ago

If warriors win this year kd will never hear the end of it


[–]PakPresiden 398 points 8 hours ago

yeah, if warriors do actually won, this story will always be told for the next 20 years. Thats sick trashtalk dude.

The other guy took it personal that day because deepdown, he knew, there must be some truth in it. and if warriors win it, KD legacy will be clowned, idgaf what anyone say about him, if he didnt win another ring and the warriors win one after he left, then his ring will absolutely got clowned by all the kids.

球迷:是啊,如果勇士真的又夺冠了,未来20年间,这事会一直是人们茶余饭后的谈资,铺天盖地的垃圾话能把KD埋了。而且听到这种垃圾话,KD 是真往心里去,因为他自己内心深处也知道,其中有做不得假的地方。如果勇士赢了,KD的历史地位将被人诟病。我不知道别人怎么说,可只要KD没有再次夺冠,而勇士在他离开之后又拿下一枚戒指,那KD的戒指毫无疑问会被说成是镀金的A货。

[–]mallkinez23 309 points 7 hours ago

i mean everyone should clown his rings even without the gsw wining another ring


[–]roddypiper_CONSUME 192 points 7 hours ago


I still cant believe he joined them.


[–]N0minal 926 points 11 hours ago

Chuck said it best. \"You don\'t join a 73 win team and claim you\'re the best player\"


[–]NetsDoot2112 1619 points 12 hours ago

I’m a nets fan, he should never hear the end of it. He deserves the criticism and hopefully it fuels him


[–]WarriorsJordanPooleParty 1754 points 11 hours ago*

Fuels him to rejoin the Warriors, lol. /s


[–]Celtics BandwagonGalactusAteMyPlanet 670 points 11 hours ago

He would never recover from the backlash of choosing the hardest road twice.


[–]Warriorsbilyl 1432 points 10 hours ago

Why is this even a debate? We have full recordings of every playoff/finals game now. If someone wanted to they could watch every single play and record how many times Curry or KD were double teamed. It would put the whole issue to bed.


键盘侠|追梦KO老牌键盘侠KD 破大防——不过是,心有魔债

[–]Melstrick 1401 points 9 hours ago

Bruh that would require some advanced autism and a nba pass.

And i dont have a nba pass.


Renzo Caffesse@CaffesseRenzo

KD got double team 3 times in all 4 games, not PER GAME. So 3/4=0.75 and 15.5/0.75= 20.67 times more than Durant getting double team on him


键盘侠|追梦KO老牌键盘侠KD 破大防——不过是,心有魔债

[–] [ITA] Best of 2021 Winnerwalterdog12 539 points 12 hours ago

Well then you are lost KD.


[–]Westfatkamp 72 points 8 hours ago

Draymond up 2-0 now


[–]jaydensgoinginsane 719 points 12 hours ago*

dude also said it wasnt a fact that steph got more defensive attention when ty lue legit confirmed he chose to blitz steph instead of him or klay smh.


键盘侠|追梦KO老牌键盘侠KD 破大防——不过是,心有魔债

[–]Lakerspercbandit 349 points 12 hours ago

KD’s just an insecure guy when it comes to his Golden State tenure, we found out about this years ago.


[–]CelticsE10DIN 467 points 13 hours ago

I get that insecurity isn’t logical, and anyone can be insecure, but at some point you just need to say to yourself “I’m Kevin Durant. I don’t need to respond to random shit on twitter. I should go bone some insta chick and smoke some weed on my piles of money”


[–]Heatcerrocerrao 311 points 7 hours ago

After all the hate KD got for going to GSW I’ll never understand why he didn’t just chill there and threepeated or something. Could have had multiple rings to make up for all the hate now he’s stuck with a flat earther who sabotaged his championship run


[–]jjonahjacksonjr 352 points 7 hours ago

If he stayed, you\'d be commenting, \"After he got his two Finals MVPs, I\'ll never understand why he didn\'t just find a new team or something. Could have built his own legacy since no one counts his GSW rings anyway.\"


[–]Timberwolves BandwagonMy_cat_be_swaggin 176 points 6 hours ago

Insane take


[–]CelticsMatthew929 160 points 8 hours ago

He should’ve just stayed in OKC man


[–]Ranjith_Unchained 521 points 12 hours ago

Steph should\'ve won in 2015 and this whole argument wouldn\'t have existed


[–]WarriorsDjeff_ 701 points 12 hours ago

Funny because Steph never did shit to him except root him on.

I appreciate KD\'s years with us, but the guy is extremely insecure and fake.


键盘侠|追梦KO老牌键盘侠KD 破大防——不过是,心有魔债

[–]ndwg25 82 points 10 hours ago


Steph: You were my brother KD, I loved you




